小法 lol英雄臺詞大全 lol所有英雄的臺詞


小法 lol英雄臺詞大全 lol所有英雄的臺詞

1.如果我倆角色互換,我會讓你看看什麼叫殘忍! Know that if the tables were turned, I would show you no mercy

2.我會吞掉你的靈魂! I will swallow your soul!

3.即使是死亡,也會因爲我的出場而顫抖不已! Even death trembles in my presence!

4.放棄吧! Give up now!

5.你的親友們正在飽受折磨! Even now your loved ones suffer!

6.我能看見你內心的恐懼! I can see the fear in your heart!

7.你的靈魂將會供我驅使! Your soul will come to serve me!

8.我是魔鬼!不許笑! I am evil! Stop laughing!

9.我……還會…以你無法想象……的強大姿態…再次甦醒的 I will rise again, more powerful than you can ever imagine

10.看清楚了!我可不是《最終夢想》裏的黑魔導士! What's black and blue and is about to show you the definition of pain?

11.我聞到死亡的氣息了! I smell death

12.是啊!哈哈哈哈哈! Yes! Hahahaha

13.又在祈禱了麼? Stuck in prey again?

14.苦難與折磨在等着你呢! Suffering awaits!

15.魔法!它在召喚我! The magic! It calls to me!

16.你的命令讓我厭倦!! Your commands tire me

17.捷徑只有一條,我不是在說笑! It's only a short way and it's not a short joke

18.在你否定了靈魂中的黑暗面的同時,你的力量也被一起否定了! You deny the darkness in your soul, you deny your powe