全面戰爭戰錘2實驗室模式前瞻 可修改選項一覽

Unit Size– Increase the number of soldiers per unit and single units’ health單位數量,一隊兵的人數,對於巨獸和領主就是血量增加。

Winds of Magic– Increase the availability of Winds of Magic for spellcasting魔法之風

Explosions– Increase the size of explosion and vortex spells爆炸和漩渦法術的範圍

Vigour Cost Reduction– Make units stay fresh for longer消耗的體力減少

Reload Time– Reduce the amount of time it takes to reload ranged weapons裝填時間,影響射擊間隔

Ammunition– Increase the total amount of shots per ranged unit彈藥數量

Projectile Penetration– Increase the distance projectiles can travel through enemies投射物飛行距離

Gravity– Decrease the effect of Gravity on units who are knocked into the air單位重量

Ability Radius– Increase the effect radius of abilities技能影響範圍

Ability Recharge Reduction– Reduces recharge time on abilities技能冷卻時間減少

Charge Duration– Increase the duration of time it takes for charge bonus to fade away衝鋒加成有效時間

Entity Scale– Increase or decrease the size of single unit entities like Lords and Monsters修改巨獸與領主模型大小

全面戰爭戰錘2實驗室模式前瞻 可修改選項一覽

全面戰爭戰錘2實驗室模式前瞻 可修改選項一覽 第2張



全面戰爭戰錘2實驗室模式前瞻 可修改選項一覽 第3張