Fence 逃离塔科夫全任务详细流程攻略 任务怎么做


在战局中找到Old firesteel

Fence 逃离塔科夫全任务详细流程攻略 任务怎么做

上交Old firesteel

在战局中找到Antique axe

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在战局中找到Battered antique Book

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在战局中找到FireKlean gun lube

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在战局中找到Golden rooster

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在战局中找到Silver Badge

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在战局中找到Deadlyslob's beard oil

上交Deadlyslob's beard oil

在战局中找到Golden 1GPhone

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在战局中找到Jar of DevilDog mayo

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在战局中找到Can of sprats

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在战局中找到Fake mustache

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在战局中找到Kotton beanie

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