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Desert Pyromancer Set(沙漠縱火者套)

Garb of the desert pyromancers, who once walked the halls of the earthn Peak. It is said that the thin, burgundy cloth breathes with magic.

屬於一個曾在earthn peak的走廊行走的沙漠縱火者的裝束。據說這稀薄的,深紫紅的衣服流露着魔力的拂動。

Desert pyromancers, most of them female, were known for their great fans of flame, and enchanting looks.


But what is enchanting can also be deadly, especially when clothed in such alluring garb


黑暗之魂3環之城新裝備情報 黑魂3環城有什麼新裝備

Harald Legion Leggings(哈拉爾德軍團綁腿)

Leggings worn by the Harald Legion, who sought the dark soul.


The leggings sank into the dark with the legion, the leather partly melted and the metal pieces showing signs of unsightly bloating.


Heavy Knight's Set(重甲騎士套)

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